Monday, July 6, 2009

New pictures of Dashiel

On Saturday Dashiel had a little portrait session. Trevor's cousin Brittney is a great photographer and she came over with all of her equipment and took some adorable pictures.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Learning New Things Everyday

I am learning what it means to be a mom, and it is definitely an adventure. I have learned that I need to plan at least a half hour more to get ready to go anywhere--or I should just plan to be late. I have learned that my house doesn't get cleaned as quickly as I would like it to because I am constantly pulled away from my task--though it is a welcome face that pulls me away. I have learned it is okay if it takes me three hours to fold one basket of laundry--it will still be there when I get back. I have learned that I can be very talented with just one hand--I can cook, clean, type, and even sort of iron a shirt. These are things I have learned in just three weeks. Just think what more I have to learn! And it is all worth it!

Sleepy pictures

This little boy is changing everyday! These pictures are at two weeks of age. Trevor had just finished changing his diaper and was trying to put Dashiel to sleep. After a rough night and only getting about 2 hours of sleep, he ended up putting both of them too sleep. They looked so adorable, I couldn't resist sneaking a few pictures.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baby Dashiel is here!

Dashiel Knight Johnson was born Sunday, May 31 at 7:35 am. At the time of his birth he was 7 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long. We were very blessed to have the opportunity to have our precious little boy born at home with the assistance of a midwife. It was such an amazing experience. Our midwife, Mary, was an incredible coach and took such good care of us. I was able to have a completely natural child birth. After one hour of pushing, with my husband at my side the whole time, our son was placed on my abdomen. Our son looked up at me and I knew we would name him Dashiel Knight. I pulled Dashiel to my chest and held him close. Suddenly, in one moment, the nine months of carrying him all came to a close as we got to experience the joy of that moment. We are so happy to have our little boy and we love seeing his personality shine in just the few days since he was born.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pretty Bling

I first starting making jewelry when I was a teenager, and then abandoned it for a few years. I recently started doing a lot more of it last year. I keep talking about making a business out of it, and hopefully I will make that happen this year. It was really exciting last year to make so many beautiful pieces and even sell a few. For Christmas last year my manager commissioned me to make a necklace for her mother and it turned out pretty amazing, so I just have to share it.

The main bead on the string is ruby Swarovski Crystals, and the dangles are made of a mixture of beads, garnet, blue topaz, red tiger eye, onyx, silver pieces and more Swarovski crystals (peridot, smoky topaz, a light yellow, and clear) on silver wire. Tell me what you think!

Golf Land Adventure

Trevor and I decided one night that we hadn't been on an actual date in too long. So we skipped making dinner at home and our date with The Office. So we went to Cafe Rio (I'm so happy we have one here!) and mini golfing. Trevor originally wanted to take me to Golf Land when we were dating, but we got engaged so quickly, we didn't have time. So we made a point to go. And the best part is, on our first round, we were head to head 37 strokes!!! Who knew I have a hidden talent in mini golfing, however, it didn't seem to last to the second round. Oh yah, and Trevor even made a new toady friend.

Long Awaited Pics

22 Weeks24 Weeks 26 Weeks (cooking in our newly painted two-tone green kitchen!)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pregnancy is good

The last few months have incited a lot of change for us. For those that don't know, I am 5 months pregnant and apparently I finally look pregnant instead of just gaining weight or sporting a "bloated belly" as I have heard it described. Of course, I love the comments that, "Hey, pregnancy looks good on you!" What pregnant woman doesn't like to hear that? And I have a wonderful husband who constantly reminds me how beautiful he finds me.

It has been funny to watch people's behavior though. At work people walk by me and as they say hello their eyes go from my face to my belly back to my face, unsure if they should say anything. And at church people are still wary of saying anything in case they are wrong. The last few weeks I have begun to understand what women feel when they are prego. I feel like suddenly my abs disappeared one day and I have a hard time getting out of the sofa, and I'm not even that big, or at the end of my work day my tail bone hurts, sleeping is getting to be a challenge, and I'm in the lovely transitionary period where most maternity clothes are still a little too big, but my regular clothes are getting too small. However, despite all of these new things, we are simply blessed that this baby is growing healthy and strong.